20 Questions with Mimzy

was inspired to do this “20 Questions” post by Bethany Joy Lenz and her wonderful blog. I admire Joy and love her posts. Unlike Joy I don’t have a plethora of famous friends to question, however, I do know some pretty important and worthy people! My first example of such a person is my mom! We often fondly refer to her as ‘Mimzy’. I love my mom and think of her as an incredible example of a Godly woman have great fortitude, resourcefulness, love, whit, humor, and grace. Here is a small insight into my mom!

1.Do you remember your thoughts on your wedding day? If so, what were a few of them? 

Her exact response was “Uhh yeahhhh! I hope no one gets lost!”. For some reason she remembers being worried about people finding the location or the ceremony running late. She remembers being disappointed that it was raining because her hair would get wet! She said “I wanted to get married – get it over with and move on with my life!”. I remember thinking the exact same thing.

My parent’s wedding day – June 19th, 1982!

Now the rest of the questions will be answered in first person by my mom…

2. What’s one piece of advice you would give a newlywed?:

Listen more than you talk.

3. What’s one piece of advice you would give a single college aged person about finding love and a relationship? 

Don’t settle!

4. What’s your most prized possession? 

Hmm. I don’t think I have a prized possession. If the house was on fire I would grab my grandmother’s Bible… or my cat! Okay, my cat.

5. What’s your favorite childhood memory?

Christmas! Christmas’ were always pretty cool. Our family was always together and my mother made it very special. She could take nothing and make it into something glorious. [I also liked Christmas] because everyone was in a relatively good mood!

My mom (bottom right hand corner) with her three siblings and my grandparents posing for an Olan Mills family photo!

6. What’s your favorite memory with your own children?

Either our Nags Head, NC vacations when the girls were little or when we went to Disney World!

Our trip to Disney World in 1999 – my immediate family plus my paternal grandparents!

7. What’s your favorite quality about yourself that you imparted to your children? 

Sense of humor.

My mom and her two girls. Now… shouldn’t this be a funnier picture of the three of us then? Sarcasm and whit can look distinguished of course…

8. What’s your favorite quality about your husband?

He loves people. It’s my favorite because other than loving the Lord, what else really matters?

My parents this past July on my mother’s birthday the 17th! They’re still attractive!

9. What’s your least favorite job that you have to do?

These birthday cards I’m prepping! Maybe [I feel that way right now] just because I’m doing it. I know they’re important, but it’s pretty annoying.

10. What’s your favorite Christmas [or seasonal] food or drink? 

I like sweet rolls!

Here’s Mimzy making (molasses cookies and) sweet rolls on Thanksgiving with Jack! This is a famous recipe from my grandmother and a family favorite.

11. What’s the worst and best thing about seeing your parents grow old?

The worst thing is to see them sick… weak and struggling. The best thing is that they kind of get past ‘putting on airs’ and they can just be themselves. They don’t have to give a rip about what other people think and don’t have to put up any fronts.

My mom’s parents (my grandparents) in their old age. This is how I will always remember each of them!

Here are my grandparents with all of their grandchildren together! This is the hotel near their house in Hope, Maine that we all stay in when we visited (when we weren’t staying with them) and I have many wonderful memories there.

12. Is it weird seeing your children become adults and get married? 

No! They’re just going great. Why would that bother me?!

My wedding day September 18th, 2010! A happy day for all!

13. What’s something you never thought you’d enjoy in growing older? 

Probably having the kids out of the house! That’s okay by me. I miss my girls but it’s nice not having to worry about where they are or what they’re doing. Also, being a grandmother figure. I’m just more comfortable in my own skin.

14. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?

Dunks! Tastes better! Starbucks is bitter and it’s too expensive! Dunks is the people’s coffee! No stupid fancy pants coffee! Lattes… small-ades… tall-ades… stupid… whatever!

BONUS My Mom’s Starbucks rant: You tell yourself you like it… you don’t! You just think you’re cool. Why would you spend so much money on coffee that tastes bad? Get over yourself, please! People my age are drinking Starbucks because they think they’re young. You’re drinking Starbucks – what’s wrong with you? Coffee doesn’t even smell good without the smell of donuts in the air [like Dunks]. Starbucks coffee is so bitter you have to put a ton of cream and sugar in it. But seriously, no one takes their first sip of Starbucks coffee and enjoys it… they think “hmmm maybe it’ll grow on me” or “Hmm maybe I’m not cool enough to enjoy it” or “I’ll never be able to memorize this menu!”. If you want a small, then call it a small – not a whatever!

15. What is something you look forward to? 

Having grandkids! Being with Jack – I look forward to that!

My mom and her “grandson” Jack in 2008 at Creation Festival (Union, PA). We went there every year for our family vacation for many years. A lot of good memories here as well for all of us.

16. What is something you regret?

Not being a better wife. I just think I could have done better.

17. What’s one of your silly fears? 

Silly fears… that Kimberly is going to post this and it will come back to haunt me!

18. What’s something people would be surprised that you enjoy? 

The giraffe! I love that giraffe! I think it’s hilarious! Don’t you dare put that on the blog though… no one will understand what the “giraffe” means! I love twizzlers… just put twizzlers down! I do love them.

19. What’s your favorite outfit you own? 

I don’t think I have one. I do like my long black sweater! It usually means that it’s cold out [which I like] and it keeps me warm! It’s weird that I don’t have one.

20. What is one of the best places you’ve traveled to? 

The Caribbean! [That trip] was all vacation. It was warm and beautiful! And… yeah! I like snorkeling! I love the water. It was purely a trip for relaxation.

21. RANDOM BONUS QUESTION – Who’s your favorite actor? 

Tom Hanks! He plays all different kinds of roles, and he’s funny. He’s made some great movies. Back in the day – Jimmy Steward! Modern day – Tom Hanks!


I love my mommy!

So, now you have a glimpse into what 25 minutes is like with my mom. She’s funny and sarcastic and speaks her mind. Sound familiar? Now if only I inherited her grace! It’s funny because her generation and especially her parent’s generation come from a private more closed type of existence; whereas today young people put all their business out there for the world to read on the internet. So, I’m glad my mom answered all my questions [and only made me delete some of her answers once she found out I’m blogging this, haha]. I’m very proud and very glad to share a piece of who my mom is on my blog. Another characteristic she got from her own mom is that she doesn’t ever toot her own horn. Even when talking about her marriage she says she wishes she would have been a better wife. Amazing to me because she was an INCREDIBLE example of amazing wife and partner [and I know my dad agrees]… but she still strives to be even better and continues this pattern in modesty. I wish you all could truly know my mother – some of you reading have the blessing of knowing her – because she is an extraordinary person. I am truly grateful for her! Thank you Lord for giving me the Mom that I have. I know Kendra and Clark and now Sterling agree… nevermind the dozen others who consider our Mom their Mimzy as well.

Mimzy and my brother Fab on his wedding day!

Mimzy and Granger (From Autumn Skye Photography)… she grew up one of my sister’s closest friends and later on became one of mine. She lived with us for a summer and is like another child to my parents.

My sister’s future husband Sterling & Mimzy!

Mimzy and her first son-in-love! My husband Clark & Mimzy!

Mom with her girls! My sister and I with our two best friends!

Mom and her Olivia!

ps- Notice how I didn’t really ask about being a Pastor’s wife or in ministry?? That “women in ministry” post is coming in the future! Stay tuned 😉

The Second Most Important Decision in My Life!!

Last night on the way home I thought of the best blog to write… but since I don’t have a computer at home, I’ve since forgotten what I was going to blog about. So, today I’m finally going to blog about the second most important decision I’ve ever made in my life!!!

On February 1st, 2010 Clark Robert Clervois asked me to marry him and be his wife for the rest of our lives. I SAID YES!

Clark proposing, Kim in shock!

As the song says, I’m soo lucky to be in love with my best friend. We’re seriously going to be the best married couple ever. Clark brought me to New York City and he had the great idea to tour around to all the spots where they shot of my favorite movies “You’ve Got Mail“. I loved the idea! A lot of people were like “how didn’t you know he was going to propose during that?”… and I can honestly say I really didn’t think he was going to! He had me convinced there was no money in his bank account to get married, and I was so pissed about it! Haha. Plus, we are the type of couple that does fun stuff randomly, so it really didn’t strike me as too out of the ordinary. Clark’s a G like that! We visited a few spots including the bagel spot from the movie, the little cafe where Meg Ryan waited with the book and the flower, and then the last stop was at the park where at the end of

I said yes!!

the movie Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan meet up and it’s like the “Ahhh we belong together and we love each other, let’s kiss” moment. Of course, that’s where he proposed… and I was so clueless! I actually said “Are you proposing? You’re not proposing now are you?!” haha! Can you believe I actually said that? I was so out of the loop… come to find out my entire family knew including like half the church and all our friends! Crazy. It was the perfect moment and I couldn’t be happier, honestly! Clark’s sister was there with us, which I was so happy about, I was glad to share that memory with her. Clark’s sister’s name is Jovonka and she is AWESOME! I’m lucky to now call her my sister. She was also able to take pictures of the day for us, so that was nice to have photo’s of the whole thing! You can check them out on Clark’s facebook. I really had no idea… the rest of the day I was of course on ‘cloud 9’. I could barely focus on anything I was sooo happy! Clark is the most amazing man I’ve ever come in contact with and I’m so grateful and thankful to God for giving me such an amazing man. AND I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL OUR WEDDING AND OUR HONEYMOON 😉

Speaking of wedding and honeymoon… I’ve got to get planning! My ideal date if September 18th, 2010… but in

Front of the dress, off-white ivory color in real life!

wedding world, September is like tomorrow. I went to the “Running of the Brides” this past Friday in search of a dress. Believe it or not, I actually found one! Unfortunately it was four inches to short, or I was four inches to tall. So, I didn’t buy the dress, but the day was a huge success. I was so glad that both my mom and my sister accompanied me, I would have been lost without them. I took a few pictures of the dress… but just to warn you the lighting and dynamics of this cell phone pictures does NOT do this dress justice at ALL! It’s really an ivory color, off white! It’s beautiful. It’s got this lacy beading stuff on the bottom half that is just beautiful. The challenge now is going to be finding it somewhere with a price that I can afford. My wedding’s budget right now is like $400 so we’ll see what I can come up with! I’d like to get married in the Gloucester/Rockport/Ipswich area… preferable outdoors or under a tent, but the weather might get in my way. I’m still looking for an affordable location. I wish I knew someone who lives in that area with a really big backyard! Honestly, my absolute ideal location would be in Rhode Island near the lighthouse from Dan In Real Life. However, considering I live here and have no money, I doubt that will work. My second choice is also too expensive, but just to mention it because it’s beautiful here this place in Ipswich called Willowdale Estate. So basically I’m trying to find a place that has the aesthetics of these places but the price a whole lot cheaper. My aunt who lives on the south shore is on the look out for dress places and wedding locations, she’s awesome! Her and my cousin Jonathan are helping =). My Aunt Janice and Uncle Len wanted to have like six kids, but after they had Jon, my Uncle Len came down with cancer and therefore they weren’t able to have any more kids. They have no girls so I think it’s a special thing for them to be helping me plan my wedding! I love them.

So, on to more planning and preparing and buying of expensive things! I honestly wouldn’t mind a small wedding, just family and a few friends… but I’m really struggling with who to invite. I think what we’re going to end up doing is having our nice intimate beautiful small wedding, then we get home from our honeymoon and get settled… I’ll do a big party at the church for all the church people who think they’ll be invited to my wedding ;-). I’m sure I am going to offend several people… but I’ll just have to respectfully remind them that it’s my day and not theirs 😀